Home»Blog»Does romance exist in escorting?


I still remember my teenage years as if they were yesterday. Meeting up with someone briefly, at school, on a bus, in a club (I looked much older and was allowed in to night clubs and strip clubs when I was still way, way, way under aged...) or just a random meeting on the street, flirting, giving them my number, then waiting by the phone wondering if he / she will ever call...
Getting prepped up to go out in the evening, I used to put more make up on then, than I do now! Excitedly waiting for the guy to pick me up, most of them in their cars, as I usually dated much older guys. For the couple of girls I dated I ran to their house and waited for them there. Girly romances never lasted as society intervened...

The first accidental brush of our hands, flirty, shy smiles, many coffees and cakes, movies watched while sneaking looks at each other, going up on a ferris wheel in a luna park for our first kiss, hiding in a broken up castle for some cuddles, first visits to hotels, ahh, I felt so very naughty!

I loved the seduction, flirtation, being romanced, the gifts, the fresh, raw excitement, passion...

Nah I don't miss the disappointments... had plenty of those too... but here I'm only talking of the nicer bits of teenage loves.

This is the part of this work I enjoy. Both meeting new people, getting to know each other, checking out the energy, flirting and teasing.... Ahhhh, being seen through the rose coloured glasses of the first few encounters... as well as the continues development of friendship and with that the build of trust and passion. As long as the trust isn't broken, with every encounter we play on a new level. Everyone who has seen me more than 3 times will agree with me, that we get closer and have a lot more fun together.
When the first meeting butterflies get replaces with pure excitement as we know how much pleasure we can have together.

This work is like being a teenager all over again, but only with the fun parts, and getting paid for it as a bonus. An important bonus, as I like pretty shiny things. Hehe.

Before anyone bites my head off I'll say that yes it is still work, yes I get paid, and yes pay the taxes, yes I focus on my play partner's needs and pleasures (but I do that in real life too), yes not every encounter is pleasurable or something I wish to remember, its not all ritz and glamour! It's often hard work too, physical as well as emotional, and the pre meeting anxiety is a real thing too... However the amazing lovers I've had make it all worthwhile, and I'm sure many romantic moments and hours I'll remember forever....

Over the last 1.5 years I've met so many incredible souls, makes me think that gents who visit escorts are better people than the rest of the population. Or maybe some of them just treat us better than they would someone else? That's an interesting topic for a discussion one day...
How come I don't meet people who are that intelligent, interesting, kind and lovely in real life?

We connect with no judgement, both work hard at creating a memorable and pleasurable encounter, understanding that we will enjoy more if we invest more in to "us". Whether the "us" lasts a few hours, a night, a week or multiple hours over a long period of time.

I still do get some really bizarre appointments with people I would never met again, thankfully not too often, but those very rude people only highlight the kindhearted ones more.
Many of my lovers have gone beyond the expected to make my life easier.
In one case in a hotel with interconnecting rooms, my neighbors kept smoking in their room and the smell was killing me, after our play my lover drove all the way home to get some duct tape to stick around the door - wall gaps to make sure I can sleep that night.

Many more similar stories. To those guys - I'm so very grateful. I try to focus on the good, invest more energy in to regulars, during quiet times I look forward to fun planned with my lovers, attempting for the quiet to not affect my self esteem, or get sad that no one wants me, or start lowering standards to get work...

It's important to me that people who book me, want me specifically and are happy to work out schedule and other constraints to make it happen. I loose interest in guys who seem to not care a great deal if it's me or another they are seeing.

It's the romantic in me. I specialise in creating the intimacy, the fantasy of love, I know how to create memories that will last, the secret is in the little things, not necessarily what you'd expect. For the fire of passion we need to connect mind, body and soul. Despite it being a fantasy, the caring is real, the friendship could be forever, the memories will only blossom in to something even more special as the years pass.

Sometimes we have a blast of a good time, then I don't hear from my play mate for many months, but I still care, and have great recollections, and live in hope they will connect with me again, for another adventure. People lead busy lives, many struggling with all sorts of issues, I understand not everyone has the opportunity to come play at any time they wish, but I hope the memories we created together will help them a bit during the difficult times, knowing I'm still here to warmly welcome them when they return. Some feel like sharing some of the dark times, messaging me for support or just for a chat, while many more stay away until they are ready for lighthearted fun - play shared times again.

There is no right or wrong, as long as we try to be sensitive to other people's feelings, and make an effort not to hurt others.

