Home»Blog»A High Class Escort Etiquette

1. Look always impeccable: a high class escort must always be impeccable, manicured and pedicured preferably French and in the appropriate measure, neither too long nor short, with the standard form neither very squared nor very pointed. Hair always washed the same day, well combed, loose or with a nice collected, but perfectly combed smooth and with fresh smell. The body always freshly showered, hydrated and shaved (laser hair removal is very well recommended). Do not use perfumes, they leave a scent and they are of very personal tastes. Neutral makeup, never abuse of makeup, stains and are not natural, always opt for a nude makeup, especially on the lips. Always use appropriate clothing at the time, discreet, feminine and natural. Never use platform or platform shoes, they are very vulgar. Do not overdo the accessories, they call attention, you can forget about them. Always seek discretion and naturalness, unless the client expressly requests otherwise.

2. Create a character: never unveil your person, create a character with points in common to your personal life, but different ones. Change your name. You are acting, the one that is there is a fictional character. Change the place of origin, description, training, that if, for things that you can have a conversation. Create a character and use it always, do not change it, it is very easy to forget what you have told.

3. Get regular checks: get regular health checks, health is essential for you and your customers.

4. Always carry a The High Class Escort Kit: the good escort must always be well prepared, condoms, lubricants, toys, oils, candles, music, ... elements that make of that time a special and unrepeatable moment, and that the customer has the desire to lengthen or repeat .

5. Always be punctual: you always have to be punctual, the client's time is gold and you have to respect it. If you arrive late it is compensated with twice as long as you have been delayed.

6.Never ask: You should never ask personal or professional questions to the client, or only if he makes them to you. Limit yourself to the content of the meeting you have with the client. You should not be interested in who is what he does or where he is from, only that he is there with you at that moment and that you have to have fun both.

7.Be positive: a smile is worth a thousand words. Always show a positive attitude, listen to the client, be pleasant, always in a natural, comfortable and honest way.

8 .Disconnect your mobile: at that moment you are only there, mobile disconnected, nobody has to deserve more attention than with the person you are. It is very impolite to have the mobile phone at hand, to look at it or to sound or illuminate it. Airplane mode, it is a certain time, everything can wait.

9. Be a bit of a psychologist: the good escort looks, observes, listens. Each client is a world and has their needs, desires and tastes. You have to try to guess with subtlety what you like, what you want, what you need. You have to let go of the reins, but if you see that he is shy and does not know, try to take them to the moment. Have a proactive attitude and make it your accomplice ...

10.Be your girlfriend for a few moments: clients expect a passionate girlfriend behavior from a escort: kissing, cuddling, pampering, listening to you, smiling, details, passion, moments of sweet and more passionate sex, everything they do not have in house that over the years has been lost by the monotony.

11. Be educated: subtly ask for a donation at the beginning, with education and sweetness. Discreetly tell it and keep it well hidden. Keep in mind that it can be a violent and uncomfortable moment for the client, get him out of the way as soon as possible and always at the beginning. Take a drink first or have a conversation of courtesy and then, if you do not give it to him, you ask him with sweetness, naturalness and subtlety.

12. Invest in some beautiful photographs: the photographs are your showcase, always use real photos, with elegant styling, beautiful, little ornate and very neutral, to be liked by all possible customers, that is what gets you to the client, make a great sweet positive sexy looking shot.

13. Be the best in what you do: try to be the most complete in what you do. Find out about things, how they are made, news, tricks, try to do everything or if it seems like it. You are a professional, you can not do half of the things, help yourself with elements such as gels, lubricants, oils, etc. In the end the power of the physical is in the mind.

14. Never share your personal data: no one has the right to enter your personal life, buy a mobile B for your life B. Never give your personal information. Discretion and honesty are as important as confidentiality.

15. Set yourself a goal: do not work on this as a way of life, set yourself a goal and when you meet it, leave it. Earn, Save, Invest, Spend. This is not for life, take advantage of the time you do it and take advantage of it.

16. Advise yourself by a good manager: trust a good manager to advise you how to take your accounting.

17.Do not get involved with other escorts: your life is your life, your environment, your family, your friends. Do not link yourself to other people in this world, you never know how you can kill these people. Envy is very bad and can generate many problems.

18. Do not link to any client: be clear where you are for what you are and who you are with. The words are carried by the wind, the promises are made and broken. You can always face it, it's not worth it. Keep your privacy and your life. Trust only in you, then in you and finally in you.

19. Watch who you work with: take care of your privacy. Today there are people whose profession is to sell contacts for what they present to other people without any criteria and without caring about your privacy, with photos, personal data and even videos. Always manage it. You do not know where that information is going to stop, you are totally unprotected.

20.Forget the faces. If one day you cross paths with a client, become transparent, you do not know him, you do not know who he is, nor look at him, ignore him. Do not get nervous, most customers do not remember who they have been with, just as if you did not see it.